Raw Milk: 10 reasons to enjoy in 2024
Creambrook Raw Milk Half Gallon
Looking to make 2024 your most nourished year yet?
Raw milk is an incredible health food with a multitude of benefits. A growing number of conscious consumers are learning about raw milk and how to source it from a trusted farm so they can enjoy all the goodness!
If you are curious about why raw milk is gaining popular momentum and why you should add it to your 2024 goals, then this post is for you!
Here are ten reasons to love raw milk:
1. Raw milk is nature's first food
All milk begins raw! Mammals produce colostrum first, and then raw milk to nourish their young. It is perfectly designed to be metabolized and easily digested. Raw dairy has been a primary component in traditional cultures for centuries as a fresh, daily source of nutrients, as well as its ability to be fermented, stored and aged in a variety of dairy products.
2. Raw milk is a nourishing superfood.
Raw cows' milk contains bio-available Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, has a balance of macronutrients in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. (source) It also contains fat-soluble vitamins, CLA and omega-3's, and essential minerals such as calcium, zinc, and magnesium. (source) These vitamins and minerals are altered during pasteurization. Raw milk is one of the most nutrient-dense foods that you can enjoy.
3. Raw milk is living
Did you know that raw milk contains all of the enzymes required to properly digest milk! These valuable enzymes are lost in the pasteurization process. One of these enzymes, lactase, aids in the proper digestion of lactose. Many people who are lactose-intolerant can enjoy raw milk without any issues. (source)
Creambrook Raw Milk Gallon
4. Raw milk is an excellent source of protein
The two types of protein contained in raw milk are casein and whey protein. One cup of raw milk contains 8 grams of raw protein! (source) Protein is necessary for building muscle, cell repair, good health, and for growing children to consume. Additionally, it is helpful in muscle recovery after working out. (source)
5. Raw milk supports bone health
Calcium, phosphorus, protein and, in grass-based dairy, Vitamin K2 are all found in raw milk, which aids in good bone health. Calcium in dairy supports healthy bone density and may prevent osteoporosis. (source)
6. Raw milk is not homogenized
The cream rises to the top of raw milk since it has not been homogenized. Homogenization is a commercial process that forces (crushes) milk through tiny holes so that the fat globules are so small that they will not separate and rise to the top again. Most pasteurized milk is also homogenized
But with raw milk, the delicious, nourishing cream rises to the top and can be gently shaken to incorporate into your milk for truly whole milk. Or you can scoop it off for coffee, cooking or baking, and butter-making.
7. Raw milk is a complete food
Because raw milk is full of healthy butterfat, protein, and natural carbohydrates, it makes an enjoyable beverage! Cream is satiating and nourishing. Did you know that the federal legal minimum requirement for whole milk is 3.25% butterfat? National dairy processors regularly skim whole milk down to 3.25% fat so that much of the (butterfat) is missing. At Creambrook, all raw milk herd shares are whole milk - unaltered, wholesome and complete.
A Jersey milk cow grazes in the late Fall at Creambrook
8. Raw milk supports regenerative farming
At Creambrook Farm, the health of the cows and the soil are one of our top priorities. A considerable amount of focus is spent on soil fertility and pasture management, rotating during the grazing season and attentive feeding during the winter months to maximize the health of our farm acreage. Our cows are outdoors 365 days of the year and enjoy sunshine, fresh pasture, fermented and dry hay, locally milled non-gmo feed, and minerals.
9. Raw milk supports your local community
By sourcing your raw milk from Creambrook Farm’s herd share, you are supporting a local dairy farm business and a young family. Because of our wonderful herd share members, we are able to employ our amazing team members that keep everything running smoothly.
Our team and our family manage & milk the cows, bottle the milk, deliver the herd shares, and communicate online to provide excellent customer support and service.
We work with small businesses who host raw milk sites across the state, tradesmen, local feed and mineral suppliers, an incredible veterinarian for herd health, small businesses for supplies, software, milk labels, jugs, dairy supplies, and much more. All of this works together beautifully to strengthen the local economy and community.
We are thankful for you being a part of the Creambrook family!
10. Raw milk is “bringing dairy back”
Dairy farms are being lost at an alarming rate on the American landscape. Half of America’s dairy farms have gone out of business since 2003 (source). It is becoming increasingly difficult for family dairy farms to compete in the market with prices they don’t control and stay in business, usually on farms that have been in their families for decades.
By offering raw milk, family farms are able to meet the demand for safe, healthy raw milk while staying in business and helping to boost the local economy.
We are passionate about seeing more dairy farms dotting the rural countryside and seeing the flourishing of dairy once again. It’s a long way to go, but we are here to support it however we can.
The Beichler Family, owners & farmers at Creambrook Farm